We will be contrasting the reality with the welfare-washed and greenwashed imagery the industry uses to dupe the public into consuming dairy products.
The animal agricultural industry survives because of marketing lies; it survives because people are being told that they are purchasing ethically sourced products. The truth is very different. This campaign will expose systemic cruelty in the dairy industry, staging multiple investigation releases to highlight the reality of what cows and their calves experience.
The industry works hard to conceal its practices behind marketing and welfare claims, but Arlarming will debunk this and highlight how cows are intelligent, emotional and sensitive individuals who deserve to be free. Arlarming will inspire change by exposing the reality of farming cows for their milk, using versatile campaigning approaches to increase the reach of our message.
Together, we will:
We will launch powerful social media campaigns that debunk the lies surrounding the dairy industry’s marketing, and show the reality, juxtaposing it with the welfare-washed imagery they produce in their marketing materials.
Our new BROKEN leaflets will be made available for activists, along with our soon-to-be-released report The Emotional Impact of Dairy Production Upon the Lives of Cows and Their Calves, written by animal welfare scientist Dr. Helen Lambert, to complement the campaign and to aid activists with their outreach.
It is estimated that approximately 20% of farms in the UK dairy industry are zero-grazing, meaning cows never go outside to eat grass. This means that on 1,420 farms in the UK, cows are confined in barns their entire lives, subjected to an intensive agricultural system that prioritises efficiency over their well-being.
Naturally, cows can live up to 25 years, but those in the dairy industry are never allowed to reach such an age. In 2024 alone, 364,646 adult cows aged around five years were slaughtered. This is around the time cows stop producing a ’sufficient’ quantity of milk to remain ‘profitable’, at which point the industry kills them.
Just as shockingly, 36,517 calves (all less than a month old) were slaughtered in the UK last year. As our investigations have revealed, many never even make it to the slaughterhouse, as they die shortly after being separated from their mothers. Others are farmed for ‘meat’ or enter the dairy industry themselves, continuing the cycle of suffering.
Despite these staggering numbers, the number of dairy farmers is in decline. Around 6% of dairy farmers left the industry in the UK in 2024. However, this is not necessarily a positive thing because the average milk production per farm has increased as cows are put under even more strain. Our new investigation demonstrates the reality of this.
When our investigation drops, will you join us by sharing our video to ensure it reaches as many people as possible? We want the entire nation to see where cows’ milk comes from, to see the Arlarming reality of dairy farms, and we want the nation to change by no longer supporting this cruel industry and to choose plant-based products instead.
Recent research by the Vegan Society indicates that there is a growing shift towards a plant-based diet, with 10% of the population reducing or eliminating ‘animal products’ in some way. As this shift continues to grow, more and more people are choosing vegan and leaving cruel products off their plate. You can help the cows by doing the same.
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