Lowfields Farm, located in North Yorkshire, is a zero-grazing mega dairy farm that supplies Arla and Aldi. Milk from Arla farms goes to major supermarket chains and to Starbucks.
At any one time there are 2,400 cows trapped on Lowfields farm. It is an award-winning, non-stop 24-hour dairy that never ceases to inflict extreme abuse on cows. We sent a covert investigator to work on the Red Tractor Assured farm, and they witnessed continuous and unrelenting acts of violence, as seen in The Mirror.
Arla hides the reality from consumers under a smokescreen of welfarism and greenwashing tactics. As the results of our YouGov survey demonstrated, 83% of Brits were unaware that cows and calves are separated shortly after birth. This is hidden from the public, so it is imperative that we expose the reality and demand change.
During the investigation, we captured an abundance of shocking scenes. Cows were ruthlessly beaten by the Arla workers, who used pipes, ropes, pliers, and their bare hands in blatant and repeated acts of abuse.
Can you also support our work by sharing our investigation video? For the sake of the cows still trapped on the farm, it is vital these findings reach thousands of people.
Mother cows were kicked just moments after giving birth, and their newborn calves were subjected to the same heartless cruelty. The bond between mother and baby was shattered as the calves were taken away. The mothers were left to endure the agony of separation, forced to watch helplessly as their scared babies were stolen from them.
The cows at Lowfields are milked to produce a staggering 273,000 litres of milk a week, which equates to 1,365,000 glasses. Dead calves were treated with shocking disregard, their lifeless bodies piled like trash in full view of the adult cows. In one instance, a dead calf was left on the floor for over 29 hours, a haunting sight for the soon-to-be mothers nearby. Adding to the horror, the Hurworth Hunt collected the bodies of young calves, who didn’t survive the traumatic events, to feed to their fox-hunting hounds. You can read our full investigation findings here.
We can help end the suffering endured by cows and their calves by exposing the harsh reality of this industry and choosing to boycott dairy. Together, let’s demand that Starbucks use oat milk as the default rather than championing Arla farmers. When consumers and companies support Arla, they are supporting farms like Lowfields. So, we are demanding that Starbucks use oat milk as their default milk in stores nationwide and lead the way in creating change.
Because of your unwavering support, this is our twenty-second investigation release. We couldn’t do this without you. So, together, let's continue to demand change and stand up for the rights of our fellow animals.
As always,
for the animals!