This weekend, marking the RSPCA’s 200th birthday, Animal Justice Project plans to stage a dramatic protest at the RSPCA’s headquarters in Horsham.

When: June 15, 2024 – 12 PM onwards

Where: RSPCA HQ, Parkside, Chart Way, Horsham RH12 1GY


This weekend, marking the RSPCA’s 200th birthday, Animal Justice Project plans to stage a dramatic protest at the RSPCA’s headquarters in Horsham. Scores of animal rights campaigners from across the UK will gather as they deliver a giant cake, boldly demanding the end of the controversial RSPCA Assured food labelling scheme. The cake will prominently display the message from their petition: "DROP RSPCA ASSURED."  

Animal Justice Project has launched a petition urging the RSPCA to drop their farmed animal assurance scheme and support the transition to a plant-based food system. Spearheaded by TV celebrity Peter Egan, the petition has been signed by veterinarians, animal protection charities, a rock star, animal sanctuaries, and thousands of others.

Event Highlights:

  • Visual Impact: Protesters will gather with posters, signs, and leaflets to inform the public about the flaws in the RSPCA Assured scheme.
  • Notable Attendees: Expect appearances from local animal rights groups, Vegan Hub and We the Free, along with approximately 100 passionate advocates.
  • Media Moment: A giant cake with a powerful message will be delivered to the RSPCA HQ, creating a visually compelling photo opportunity.

Why This Matters:

The RSPCA has long been criticised for their failure to protect the rights of farmed animals and their ‘high welfare’ RSPCA Assured food labelling scheme.

This assurance scheme is failing to protect farmed animals, as revealed by numerous undercover investigations. Despite the RSPCA's claims, animals under this scheme suffer from severe health issues and poor living conditions, as documented by Animal Justice Project and other organisations. As the RSPCA celebrates its 200th birthday, now is a critical moment to question their commitment to animal welfare.

Compelling Quotes:

  • Jane Tredgett, Ex-RSPCA Trustee and founder of Humane Being: "As a former Vice-Chair of the RSPCA board, I am disappointed that the RSPCA is not leading the way towards a more plant-based, cruelty-free world. The RSPCA should use its power to lead much-needed change that will prevent animal suffering, protect the planet, and reduce disease risks for people."
  • Sean Barrs, Animal Justice Project Campaigner: "The RSPCA helps dogs and cats, so why are they assuring the slaughter of pigs and chickens? As society progresses, so should our views on how we treat other sentient creatures. Even RSPCA CEO Chris Sherwood says all animals deserve the RSPCA protections. Show us how woke you really are, RSPCA, and stop assuring the exploitation of animals!"


This year alone, Animal Justice Project has published three undercover investigations at RSPCA Assured farms and a hatchery, revealing extreme health issues and poor conditions. The findings highlight that animals 'protected' by the scheme don’t fare better than those who aren’t. Other groups have also exposed similar issues, pointing to a systemic problem within the industry.

Call to Action:

Join us in Horsham this weekend to witness a powerful stand for animal rights. Help us urge the RSPCA to align their practices with their principles and support a transition to a plant-based food system.


Notes to Editors

Sean Barrs will be the point of contact at the event. Please contact him on 07796 474605 for photos and more information.  

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