Following on from our protest and x storm, we have another online action for you to join!

On the RSPCA’s 200th anniversary, we made a loud and bold statement by delivering them a special anniversary cake with our core demand, “drop RSPCA Assured,” written on it. 

Over 100 activists attended the protest. The Somerset Apple reported on the event, and photos from it also appeared in The Guardian. This was followed by an impactful X storm in which the RSPCA and its CEO, Chris Sherwood, were posted at over 1500 times. 

Our campaign has undeniably made an impact. While we are still awaiting a response from the RSPCA, they are no doubt feeling the pressure. It is vital, though, that we maintain this pressure. Your continued support is crucial. Join us in our next online action to keep the momentum going.

Online Action

Call to action graphic - an activist holiding a sign asking for help

You can join our online action by sharing these comments on RSPCA's social media. 

Go to one of their most recent social media posts and leave these comments with our demands and links to our content. This will help keep the campaign momentum going and bring it to the attention of the RSPCA's supporters. 

Feel free to copy and paste the comments directly, or take the opportunity to personalise them and make them your own.

Facebook Comments

Instagram Comments

  • @rspca_official - @animaljusticeproject has shown us all what your supposed ‘Cruelty Prevention' looks like. Head to the profile of @animaljusticeproject and comment ‘Act’ on any of their posts to sign their petition #RespectAllLife
  • RSPCA, are you living up to your motto ‘for every kind’? @animaljusticeproject has shown us the truth.Take Action! Go to the profile of @animaljusticeproject and comment ‘Act’ on any of their posts to sign the petition to demand @rspca_official ditch #RSPCAAssured #RespectAllLife #ForEveryKind
  • @rspca_official you must end the hypocrisy and cut ties with #RSPCAAssured because @animaljusticeproject has shown us all what #RSPCAAssured allows to happen to animals. Visit @animaljusticeproject and comment ‘Act’ on any of their posts to sign their petition #RespectAllLife

X Comments

RSPCA Assured Statistics

Our Petition 

The number of signatories on our petition is growing each day. More and more people are singing it and adding their voices to ours. However, we still need more signatories to maximise its impact. We need more people to bolster our demand and increase the pressure on the RSPCA. 

Indeed, our strength lies in our unity. Together, we can bring about significant change for the animals. Together, we can make the RSPCA listen to our demands. Let’s harness this momentum and continue to make a difference. 

As always, 

for the animals!

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